Are you seeking a more fulfilling life? Look to your personal interests and passions
Joseph Campbell, author of The Hero’s Journey, once said: ‘Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where before there were only walls.’ In other words, by doing more of what you feel excited and passionate about, you can discover a more rewarding and purposeful life.
When you follow your bliss – your highest excitement – you’re taking what Vedic philosophy calls the dharmic path. Dharma means right way of living or right path of action. It’s about living an authentic life doing the work that you’re here to do.
Some people know exactly what they want to do from an early age. My brother, Mark, is one of them. He says: ‘From the age of 10, I knew I wanted to be a great martial artist, actor, and fight-action performer, and I’ve walked this path ever since.’ For others, what constitutes their highest excitement might not be obvious. But when you’re not on the right path, you’ll instinctively know it. You might feel like something is missing and that life’s passing you by. You might feel stuck and experience discontent, sadness, disconnection, depression, or anxiety. You know there should be more to life, yet you feel in limbo, that you’re just existing, rather than thriving.
To find your right path, you need to discover your highest excitement. The clues often lie in your interests, passions, and strengths. You might have an inkling of what you’d love to do but aren’t sure how you can bring the idea to fruition. It’s easy to become so caught up in the “hows” – How can I do this? How can I fund it? How will I support myself? – that it can stop you moving towards your dream. The first step is to focus on the “whys”. Why am I passionate about this? Why does this matter? Why do I feel compelled to do this?
To find your right path, you need to discover your highest excitement. The clues often lie in your interests, passions, and strengths.
Follow the breadcrumbs
Aloise Surfleet-Middleton is a transformational teacher and host of The Dharma Life podcast. She transformed her life by following her highest excitement and now supports people who want to make positive changes for a happy, purposeful existence. Aloise says: ‘When you get clear about what lights you up, your excitement acts as a compass. You might not know how you’re going to achieve what you want, but by following your joy, being in alignment with who you truly are, doors open. You’ll attract the right people, situations, and opportunities. It’s about trusting your inner satnav, following the signs or breadcrumb trail, and living your highest excitement to the best of your ability, with no expectation on the outcome. This is the way to walk the optimal path in life.’
It sounds simplistic (in many ways, it is), but turning your passions into a life that’s supportive and nurturing, as well as exciting, can seem daunting.
‘When you get clear about what lights you up, your excitement acts as a compass. You might not know how you’re going to achieve what you want, but by following your joy, being in alignment with who you truly are, doors open’
– Aloise Surfleet-Middleton
What stops people from pursuing their bliss?
Fear of failure, stepping up, being out of your depth, loss and even success can hinder progress. If allowed, fear can stop you from living your best life and doing what you’re here to do. Ingrained beliefs carried from childhood can also present obstacles, as can other people’s opinions of your ability. This was the case for Melbourne-based artist Gavin, who for many years felt disinclined to pursue a creative career after an employer voiced less-than-kind comments about his portfolio of work. ‘I felt that painting and drawing was my calling,’ he says. ‘I loved doing it, and yet we’re conditioned to believe that enjoying something and making a career of it don’t go hand in hand.’
Indeed, many are told that doing what you love isn’t a wise choice. How many students have been persuaded by a well-meaning careers advisor or older family member to drop their preferred creative options in favour of something safe that will pay the bills? It can be disheartening.
The first step in creating a life you love involves a mindset shift. It takes courage, faith in yourself, and a sense of joyful curiosity to follow your bliss, but once you’re in alignment with your highest excitement, you’ll feel you’re on the right path. Gavin would agree. He’s now enjoying being an artist. ‘I’ve sold more work, am receiving more commissions and have participated in my first arts festival,’ he says. ‘I’m about to embark on making this a full-time career, having recently departed from the job I’d been in for 18 years. I’ve encountered people who say you can’t make a career out of what brings you joy, but the past year for me is proof that anything is possible. I’m excited to see what the future brings.’
Following your highest excitement doesn’t mean a carefree life. It doesn’t provide immunity against difficulties and challenges. You might need to work extra hard and keep your current job going while assembling the building blocks of your new life. The universe may send you wonderful, synchronous surprises when you’re on the right path, but your success depends upon taking action and making informed decisions.
Being open to possibility
‘Life still happens,’ says Aloise. ‘But when you’re in a higher vibrational way of thinking and feeling, following your highest excitement, you’re able to navigate the bumps in the road with greater ease. In fact, the love and passion for what you’re doing will make it easier for you to continue and make progress. No matter what you face along the way, you’ll feel more motivated and encouraged.’
My brother Mark, who’s followed his highest excitement and achieved great success in his martial-arts and film career, has a similar approach. ‘It’s taken dedication, determination, and a lot of heart to live my dream,’ he says. ‘There have been tough times, but I’ve stayed true to my path and created an amazing life I love that’s rich in experience.’
Following your highest excitement involves stepping out of self-imposed comfort zones and negative thought patterns. It’s about opening up to the possibility that life can be experienced and enjoyed when you’re doing what truly gives you pleasure.
‘I love the thought that if we can dream it, we can do it,’ says Aloise. ‘Once you get clear on the vision and take baby steps daily towards your soul’s calling, your life can be transformed.’