Thinking of taking up yoga, but not quite sure how to make it fit in with your lifestyle? Rachael Northey, Publisher of Breathe Magazine, shares her tips on making a yoga practice at home work for you.
There’s a misconception out there that yoga is best left to the experts, with those new to the practice often overwhelmed with worry they’ll look out of place or not know what they’re doing.
As a relatively new yogi herself, Breathe’s Rachael Northey is here to assure you that yoga doesn’t discriminate, it opens its arms to anyone who needs it.
After a life-changing accident left Rachael with a fractured spine, she found solace, both physically and mentally, through a regular yoga practice. “After the initial injury healed, I found that I had difficulty with really simple tasks like walking down the stairs.” Since finding yoga (and a great teacher), her wellbeing has vastly improved and she feels stronger and more flexible than she ever has.
There are various forms of yoga you can do, both at home or at a studio including Vinyasa, Hatha, Bikram, Yin and more. Once you’ve found the styles that suit you, there are a few ways you can bring your yoga practice into your home space. Here are some of Rachael’s top tips:
- Give yourself permission to practise every day for just seven minutes
- Identify the benefits of your practice. Is it for a calmer mind? To improve your flexibility?
- Assemble the resources you need to guide your learning such as books, online classes and apps.
- Claim your space – whether it’s in your bedroom, at the beach or in a park, find somewhere that you find practical and peaceful.
- Commit to a time to practise as soon as you wake up. Doing yoga first thing in the morning isn’t just a great way to wake up your mind and body, it also frees up the rest of your busy day.
- Keep it simple. You don’t need to be an expert, you just need to show up to your mat. Eventually you will find your practice will blossom, which is the true magic of yoga.
For more on home yoga, make sure to catch our article ‘Home stretch’ in Issue 2, Breathe Magazine – Small Wonders.