Create a healthy relationship with your body by carrying out this simple exercise
This meditative exercise should take about 15–20 minutes, so make yourself comfortable in a room where you won’t be disturbed. Lie on your back on a mat or rug on the floor, or on your bed. You might want to cover yourself with a blanket and rest your head on a cushion or pillow.
- Slowly let your eyes close and take a few moments to get in touch with the sensations of your body, listen to your breathing and the feeling of contact your body is making with the floor or the bed. On every out-breath, allow yourself to gently let go, slowly sinking a little deeper into the mat or bed.
- Starting with your head, focus on this area, feeling its weight as it rests on the cushion. Now introduce your forehead, noticing whether or not you can feel any stress or tension. Then include your eyes, nose, cheeks, mouth, chin and finally the ears including any sounds you might be able to hear. Be aware moment by moment of the changing pattern of sensations in your body and your breathing. If you notice your mind wandering, don’t worry this is perfectly normal, just gently guide your mind back to the part of the body you are focusing on.
- Slowly release the focus on your head and face and move your awareness to your neck and shoulders, conscious of your breathing at all times. Notice the strong muscles in this part of the body and be aware of any tension or tightness in this area, which is common. If you become aware of any tension or other intense sensations, breathe into it on the in-breath and let go of it on the out-breath, creating a sense of letting go, or of releasing the sensation from your body.
- Now move your awareness to both your shoulders and the places where they are in contact with the floor or the bed. Extend your awareness into your arms, elbows, wrists, hands and fingers and focus on your breathing.
- Shift your focus now to your chest area, noticing the sensation of the subtle rise and fall with each in and out breath. Turn your awareness to the ribcage, the sides of the ribs and your upper back resting on the floor. If you notice any tension, or aches and pains in these areas, breathe into them and out again releasing them from your body.
- Turn your awareness now to the physical sensations in the lower abdomen and stomach and any changes you feel as you slowly breathe in and out – it may help you to put your hands on your belly to really feel each breath. Extend your awareness to your lower back, feeling the gentle pressure as it touches the floor before moving on to your pelvis, hip bones, sitting bones, genitals and groin. Try to connect with any sensations that you have in this part of your body and be aware of your breath, slowly breathing in and out to release any pain or tension.
- Having connected with the sensations in your abdomen and torso, bring your focus gently down to your legs. Feel the weight of your legs from the tops of your thighs, right down to your ankles, gently notice what sensations are here, such as the way they rest on the floor, or whether there is any numbness or tingling.
- Finally, move your attention into both of your feet, focusing on the soles, the heels, the upper part, and finally your toes, focusing on each one in turn – the big toe, the little toe and the ones in between. When you are ready, breathe in and gently feel the sensation of your breath as it moves down your body and into your toes, then on the out-breath, feel it coming back up again, releasing any tension or discomfort. Continue for a few breaths.
- After you have finished the exercise, take one or two deeper breaths in and out, filling your whole body, then spend a few more minutes laying on the floor. Relax and be aware of your body as whole, breathing freely.