If you've had a bad day, try a few of the following pick-me-ups to help lighten your mood
No matter how positive and happy you usually are, there will always be days when you feel downcast and a little off. A horrible journey to work, a cancelled date, or being on the receiving end of someone else’s bad mood are a few examples of what can sap your joyful get-up-and-go and turn a potentially sweet day sour.
Bad days happen. Even with the best intentions and a cheerful outlook, life doesn’t always go to plan. And if your morning gets off to a less-than-happy start, it might set the tone for the rest of the day, especially if you keep going over the events that brought your spirits down in the first place.
Try not to let it eat away at your precious time, however, because while you can’t change what’s happened, you can alter your response to good-mood thieves by turning your attention to people, places and pleasures that make you feel more upbeat. At first, you might think you can’t be bothered and settle down for a day of the blues. But you have a choice – and switching your focus on to things that make you feel lighter and brighter will help diffuse lingering irritations and frustrations.
Overcome a low mood by getting out of your head and into your body. Go for a walk, run, cycle or swim. If there’s a class nearby, try some dancing (or prance around the kitchen).
Have a delicious lunch
Go to a cosy café and treat yourself to a wholesome meal. If you’re cooking for yourself, be immersed in the experience and enjoy rustling up some colourful, scrumptious food.
Be in nature
Time spent in nature can work wonders. Visit a local park or green space, sit on a bench and soak up nature’s restorative energy.
Taking conscious, deep breaths when things aren’t going your way can help. Focus on inhaling joy and exhaling tension, and repeat until you’re feeling more upbeat.
Engage your senses
Spend a few moments observing a beautiful flower. Let its colour, aroma and vitality bring you fully into the present, until the bloom instils a sense of bliss within you
Pay someone a compliment or perform an act of kindness
Being gracious or kind towards someone else can direct your mind away from temporary annoyances. It’s a wonderful gift for you and the recipient.
Write a gratitude list
Your day might not have started well, but focus on what you’re thankful for. Look for all the positives, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem at first. Expressing gratitude brings a state of inner peace and grace.
Talk to a friend
A few minutes’ chat with a cheerful friend can put your day back on track. Make space in your life for people who are generally cheerful and optimistic, and let their magic rub off on you.
There’s nothing like a dose of laughter to release tension and put everything into a rosier perspective. Watch a funny video or comical sketch and enjoy a healthy belly laugh.
If you’re experiencing ongoing sadness, anxiety or depression, seek advice from your GP or a qualified mental health practitioner.