Make some time to 'look up' and learn about the cosmos.
Make some time to ‘look up’ and learn about the cosmos
8.30pm, Tues 4 April – Thurs 6 April
If you’re anything like us here at Breathe, you love looking up at the night sky but are often unable to see the constellations of stars. You can spot the Southern Cross (Crux) and the Saucepan (part of Orion, including Orion’s Belt), but anything more complicated makes you feel like you’re playing connect-the-dots without any numbers to guide you.
In Australia we’re blessed with some of the best stargazing locations in the world, with low levels of light pollution and stunning views of the Milky Way galaxy. This means even if you have more questions than answers about the night sky, there’s a visual feast for you to appreciate.
However if you’re eager to learn more, ABC has offered a major TV event dedicated to appreciating the night sky and outer space. Stargazing Live is a real-time tour of the celestial wonders of the universe by Professor Brian Cox, available now on ABC iView. In a broadcast from Siding Spring Observatory at Warrumbungle National Park, the world-renowned physicist looks heavenwards with Julia Zemiro and a diverse range of experts and guests.
Tackling the intriguing questions of the sky are panellists such as astrophysicist Dr Lisa Harvey-Smith, Indigenous knowledge expert Michael Anderson, and ‘Citizen Science’ advocate Dr Chris Lintott. What could be more relaxing than being invited to find your way around and appreciate the slow majesty and rare beauty of our Southern night skies?
The three episodes include The Milky Way, Planets, and Aliens, each of which explore different questions and theories about space. They also give you some tips on getting started with stargazing and how to navigate the night sky.
When you look up at night and try to make sense of the stars, consider making a cup of tea, turning to ABC iView, and expanding your knowledge of the wonders that make up the sky over our heads. We know we will be. And next time we’ll look up at the stars, we’ll be able to connect a few more dots.
For more information on the Dark Skies Program, Southern Hemisphere constellations, and Warrumbungle National Park, check out issue 2 of Breathe Magazine – available in stores now..