Unleash your inner artist and replenish your cup with soul-nourishing creative pursuits. Rouse your curiosity with thoughtful projects and quirky templates, including mindful colouring, sewing, knitting and self-reflective writing exercises. Hone your crafty genius with our collection of stories from the Creativity chapter of Breathe Magazine Australia.
How to create a mindful bookshelf
Can something as simple as organising your shelves help you to be more mindful?
Journalling tips to create your dream future
How to makes your dreams a reality by putting pen to paper
Outside your creative comfort zone
It may seem to afford the opposite of freedom, but embracing constraints can boost creativity
Five children’s book you’re never too old for
You’re never too old to connect with a children’s book
How to write for perspective
Writing down your thoughts in the present moment is a powerful practice.
Note to self
You may have kept a journal as a teenager, diligently writing your private thoughts, treasured hopes and every detail of adolescent angst. So why...