Whether you’re yearning for relief from stress or seeking a holistic path to health and wellbeing, the simple art of practising gratitude and presence adds zest and zeal to an already wonderful life. Be inspired by our stories on mindfulness, and discover insights and tips to invite calm and clarity to your days.
The art of dream interpretation
Dreams behave like a warped mirror to daily life, a window to the subconscious that, through emotions and archetypal symbols, can lead to a...
How to express gratitude...
When was the last time you said thank you to someone and really meant it?
Set yourself free
Letting go of people or situations that make us unhappy is one of the most difficult challenges a person can face.
Working with mindfulness
When it comes to practising mindfulness, the workplace is the ideal environment in which to learn how to manage your stress and cultivate your...
Mindful Photography
With a little practice we can learn to adopt a beginner’s mind, trust our instincts and let go of our expectations...
Stress and how it affects us
When we react negatively to an event, we experience stress. Our heart rate increases, we may feel flushed...
In search of balance
Sometimes the day’s chores can seem overwhelming, but there are ways to create a fresh rhythm to life that has room for work, play and...
How to attract the job you want
Most of us know that sinking feeling that sets in on Sunday evening. Who hasn’t had a case of the Monday blues as the prospect of the work week...
How to take a tea meditation
Life is busy and sometimes just finding a few moments to stop and be still to meditate can be difficult. But combine it with a cuppa and...
Give the Gift of Mindfulness All Year Long
The end of the year is fast approaching, a time that excites most, but also overwhelms many.