
Heart to heart

Romantic relationships have the power to make or break us. By practicing mindfulness we can rise above the drama, reclaim our love life, and...


Vexed and at ease

Is there merit to the faded hues of anger?


Five meditation tips for beginners

There are so many reasons and ways to meditate that it can at first seem daunting, but the benefits of sustained practice are worth the effort.


All for you

We're often quick to share our picture-perfect moments on social media. But could keeping them to ourselves feel even better?


Seeds of change

When habits take root and prevent us from progression, even the smallest adjustment – that’s significant to you – can encourage fresh...


A clean slate

Life's too short to spend time doing something you don't enjoy - but where does cleaning fit into that ethos?


Words from within

Journal writing can encourage you to stand strong and speak your truth


Curious and curiouser

Rather than focusing on answers, it might help instead to start asking different questions


Ways to create a habit of calm

From a one-minute breathing exercise to an hour’s reflexology session, here are 10 routes to inner peace


Take a moment

When worries seem mountainous, tuning into mindfulness and focusing on what you can feel, hear and see can bring peace and calm